Rugosa Roses II

Rosa rugosa ‘Martin Frobisher’ (Svejda 1961) (‘Schneezwerg’ x unknown) – The first of the Explorer Series Roses introduced by Agriculture Canada in 1968. It much resembles an Alba Rose with 3″ wide double blooms of soft pink with strong fragrance. It has nearly thornless stems, greyish-green foliage and a pillar shaped growth habit. Grows 5-6′ tall by 4′ wide. Hardy to zone 3.

Rosa rugosa ‘Jens Munk’ (Svejda 1964) (‘Schneezwerg’ x ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’) – Another of the Explorer Series with 3″ wide medium pink semi-double blooms (often with white streaks) in a cupped form. They have a spicy fragrance and are borne in flushes throughout the summer. It has yellowish-orange autumn tones. Grows 4-5′ high by 4-5′ wide. Hardy to zone 3.

Rosa rugosa ‘David Thompson’ (Svejda 1970) (‘Schneezwerg’ x ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’) – A compact and nearly thornless Rugosa Rose with 3″ wide blooms of a bright rose-red with strong fragrance. It flowers from June to September and features yellowish autumn foliage. As with all Rosa rugosa it is drought tolerant once established. Grows 3-4′ high by 4′ wide. Zone 3.

Rosa rugosa ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’ (Hastrup 1914) (syn. Frau Dagmar Hartopp’) – A Rosa rugosa seedling with strongly fragrant single silvery-pink flowers in a cupped form – it blooms throughout the summer. These are nicely contrasted by crinkled bright green foliage that shifts to golden-yellow and coppery-red in fall. Award of Garden Merit. Grows 3-4′ high and wide. Z3.

Rosa rugosa ‘Henry Hudson’ (Svejda 1966) – This seedling of ‘Schneezwerg’ is one of the Explorer Series and features pale pink buds that open to pure white blooms with contrasting yellow stamens. The flowers have a clove fragrance and show well against the deep green foliage. It has a spreading growth habit and is disease resistant. Grows 2-4′ high by 3-4′ wide. Zone 3.

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