Climbing Roses III

Rosa ‘Sublimely Single’ (syn. ALTISSIMO, ‘Altus’, ‘DELmur’) (Delbard 1966) (‘Tenor’ x seedling) – ‘Sublimely Single’ is a large flowered climber with 4-5″ wide single scarlet flowers with a pink eye and contrasting golden stamens. These a mild clove fragrance and are repeat blooming. This French cultivar has dark green foliage. Grows 8-15′ high. Hardy to zone 5.

Rosa SKY’S THE LIMIT (syn. ‘WEKprimsoul’) (Carruth 2005) (‘Princess Marianna’ x R. soulieana hybrid) – This climbing rose bears clusters of butter-yellow double blooms (about 5″ wide) that emerge from darker buds. The late spring to early summer flowering is quite heavy, with repeat blooms afterwards. Glossy mid green foliage. Grows 10-12′ high. Hardy to zone 6.

Rosa ALL ABLAZE (syn. ‘WEKsamsou’) (Carruth 2000) (‘Don Juan’ x [R. soulieana seedling x ‘Trumpeter’]) – The bright cherry red clusters (averaging 3 to 4 blooms) of flowers are the perfect companion to any colour in your garden. The ruffled blooms have a slight spicy fragrance and are nicely contrasted by dark green foliage. Grows 8 to 12′ high. Hardy to zone 6.

Rosa WORK OF ART (syn. ‘MORart’) (Moore 1989) (yellow climbing miniature seedling x ‘Gold Badge’) – Most people overlook miniature climbing roses but they are ideal for covering the sides of arbors or growing in large containers. This orange blend (with a yellow reverse) has clusters of double blooms with a mild fragrance. Grows 4 to 6′ high. Hardy to zone 5.

Rosa SALITA (syn. ‘KORmorlet’) (Kordes 1987) – This large flowered climber has unusual glowing reddish-orange flowers (about 4″ wide) with silky petals and some fragrance. These repeat bloom throughout the summer. Try pairing with a dark purple Clematis such as ‘Jackmanii’, ‘The President’ or ‘Star of India’. Grows 8′ high. Hardy to zone 6.

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