Grandiflora and Hybrid Tea Roses

rosadickclarke (297x300)Rosa DICK CLARKE (syn. ‘WEKfunk’) (Carruth / Bedard 2009) (‘Fourth of July’ x unknown) – This grandiflora rose was a 2011 AARS winner and features reddish-black buds that open to fully double cream blooms with vibrant rose to cherry-pink edges. It has moderate spice (cinnamon) fragrance and glossy deep green foliage. Grows to 5.5′ high by 3′ wide. Hardy to zone 5.

rosaaboutface1 (299x300)Rosa ABOUT FACE (syn. ‘WEKosupalz’) (Carruth 2005) (([‘O Sole Mio’ x seedling] x ‘Midas Touch’) x ‘Hot Cocoa’) – An unusual grandiflora rose with orange blend double flowers of golden-orange inside with a bronze-red reverse, with the latter showing well as the blooms open. They have a slight apple fragrance. 2005 AARS winner. Grows 5-6′ high by 2-3′ wide. Hardy to zone 6.

rosadreamcometrue (300x296)Rosa DREAM COME TRUE (syn. ‘Wekdocpot’) (Pottschmidt 1996) (‘Heart of Gold’ x unknown) – Another AARS winner (in 2008), this grandiflora rose features double bicolor blooms of a creamy-yellow with cerise-pink edges up to 5″ wide. They have a mild tea fragrance and are nicely complimented by matte dark green foliage. Grows 5-6′ high by 3′ wide. Hardy to zone 5.

rosaelina (300x295)Rosa ELINA (syn. ‘DICjana’) (Dickson 1984) (‘Nana Mouskori’ x ‘Lolita’) – This RHS Award of Garden Merit winning hybrid tea rose bears large (up to 6″ wide) light yellow double blooms (with a darker center) from July to frost. These have a light citrus scent and are usually borne singly on robust stems that are good for cuts. Disease resistant. Grows 4-5′ high by 2.5′ wide. Zone 6.

rosaliebeszauber (300x284)Rosa LIEBESZAUBER (syn. ‘KORmiach’, ‘Love’s Magic’, ‘City of Windsor’, ‘Crimson Spire’) (Kordes 1991) (seedling x ‘Pink Panther’) – This hybrid tea rose features deep red velvety double blooms with a strong rose fragrance and makes a beautiful cut flower. It is one of the better disease resistant hybrid teas to grow in coastal BC. Grows 4-6′ high by 3′ wide. Hardy to zone 6.

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