Hybrid Tea Roses IV

rosaprincessdemonaco (300x300)Rosa ‘Princesse de Monaco’ (Meilland 1981) (syn. ‘Grace Kelly’, ‘MEImagarmic’, ‘Princess Grace, ‘Princess of Monaco’) (‘Ambassador’ x ‘Peace’) – A disease resistant Hybrid Tea rose with elegant  4″ wide flowers of fragrant creamy-white with pink edges. It repeat blooms over glossy dark green foliage that emerges red tinted. Grows to 3′ high. Hardy to zone 7.

rosabluegirl (300x298)Rosa ‘Blue Girl’ (Kordes 1964) (syn. ‘KORgi’, ‘Cologne Carnival’, ‘Kolner Karneval’) (‘Sterling Silver’ x ‘Magenta’) – A true lavender-blue bloom (about 5″ across) with a nice fruit fragrance – making it a good cut flower. These are borne throughout the growing season over dark green foliage that is somewhat prone to black spot. Grows to 3′ high by 2′ wide. Hardy to zone 7.

rosasunbright (300x291)Rosa SUNBRIGHT (Warriner 1984) (syn. ‘JACjel’) (seedling x ‘New Day’) – This Jackson & Perkins introduction bears bright yellow 4″ wide blooms (occasionally with a hint of red on the petal edge) that certainly live up to its name. These have a light fruity fragrance and are borne repeatedly up to frost. The dark green foliage emerges red tinted. Grows 3-4′ high by 3′ wide. Zone 6.

rosaelle3 (300x292)Rosa ‘Elle’ (Mouchotte / Meilland 1999) (syn. ‘MEIbderos’) (‘Purple Splendour’ x [‘Chicago Peace’ x ‘Parador’]) – A pink-orange blend Hybrid Tea with very large (5″ across) double flowers that are highly scented, with a spicy citrus fragrance. They repeat bloom over glossy dark green foliage. Makes an excellent cut flower. Grows 3-5′ high. Hardy to zone 7.

rosariosamba (300x291)Rosa ‘Rio Samba’ (Warriner 1991) (syn. ‘JACrite’) (seedling x ‘Sunbright’) – This blended Hybrid Tea starts out an intense gold in bud with dark reddish-orange edges and fades to pale yellow with rosy-red highlights. It is a taller bush, bearing dark green foliage. The flowers have some fragrance and repeat bloom throughout the summer. Grows 5-6′ high. Hardy to zone 7.

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4 Responses to Hybrid Tea Roses IV

  1. Martha Van pelt says:

    Please tell me where I can purchase Sunbright roses. I had some in the past from Jackson and perkins but it seems they only sell wholesale now

  2. Marylou johnson says:

    where are you at I would like to buy the blue girl rose

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